Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Beyond Serendipity

Our blog, Beyond Serendipity, came about as the result of The Main Place, a consumer operated mental health recovery center located in Licking and Knox Counties in Ohio, experience with helping thousands consumers with their recovery. We define recovery as a deeply personal process over overcoming the impact of a psychiatric disability despite its continued presence. Most of our members struggled with having to figure out how to recover on their own, and for most, the process involved having to ‘reinvent that wheel’ for themselves.

Over the past twenty-five TMP has sought to increase the likely hood that persons experiencing serious and persistent mental illness could and would recover. First we asked, what do people need in order to recover? In focus groups, surveys, and by tracking what consumers were working on in their recovery, the top four unmet needs, in order, were the same every year: Peer and Family Support, Work or Meaningful Activity, Access to Resources and Clinical Care.

Research funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health had shown that the degree to which consumers felt their needs were being met correlated most with the likelihood they would recover. So combining this knowledge and information TMP has sought to insure that members do recover, and to improve upon ‘serendipity’ as the means by which we recover. Beyond Serendipity will be a collection of stories from peer specialists, members and other interested parties, about their observations and experiences in achieving and facilitating Recovery.