Thursday, October 25, 2012

World Stroke Day

Monday, October 29th is World Stroke Day, a day dedicated to educating communities around the world about the risks, signs and symptoms of stroke. What better way to celebrate than by encouraging Ohio's lawmakers to pass HB 427 before the session ends and the bill dies? 

Let's make this World Stroke Day really count--send your message now to help get Ohio's stroke bill across the finish line!

Stroke is the No. 4 cause of death in the United States and with stroke, time lost is brain lost. Time is of the essence in treating stroke, but in far too many cases a fragmented delivery system prohibits Ohio's stroke victims from receiving the treatment they need in time. HB 427 would provide patients and health care personnel with information about recognized primary stroke centers in Ohio so we can ensure stroke patients get the treatment they need in time to prevent permanent disability or death.

In recognition of World Stroke Day, we hope you'll take a quick moment to do 3 simple things:

1. Click to send your lawmakers a message urging them to pass HB 427 before time runs out:

2. Learn F.A.S.T(F-FACE; A-ARM, S-SPEECH, T-Time) Stroke warning signs:
3. Post to your Facebook page and/or forward this message to your loved ones and encourage them to celebrate World Stroke Day with you by helping us beat stroke in Ohio!

Thank you for helping reduce death and disability from stroke in Ohio!

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